Smart retail strategy- StockBee®

Empower your brick and mortal consumer goods retail strategy to compete with modern e-commerce. Address the infamous stockout conundrum where even if your products are present in the warehouse they are often not moved replenish your retail shelves in time. 50% of retail shelf stock-outs are caused by inefficiencies in shelf restocking. Most of these… Continue reading Smart retail strategy- StockBee®

Bluetooth Low Energy devices

TinkerBee has developed capabilities around Nordic Semiconductor‘s BLE enabled SoCs in nRF51 series. We’ve played around with the powerful nRF51822 module and used the ARM mbed platform to develop one of our earliest (and may we say- revolutionary) products called EyeBee. Well, more on that soon. It is an awesome board designed by us, powered by a CR2030 button… Continue reading Bluetooth Low Energy devices